Spotlight on: PACE

Please introduce yourself!

Hi! My name is Ben Chippendale, I have been at PACE for around three years now. My primary focus is on our financing strategy, financial modeling and internal accounts. Before moving to work with the team down in London, I was focused on identifying sites for solar projects and then taking them through the planning and permitting process at our development hub in Bristol.

So, in a few sentences what does PACE do?

PACE brings together more than 50 years of renewables experience across the technical and financial supply chain. The team is responsible for each section of the development process from finding sites through to managing their construction. PACE works across a number of different markets including Canada, Poland and Spain, however, its home and general center of attention is in the UK. Solar is the primary technological focus but with the aim of keeping up with an ever evolving energy market, the team is comfortable and experienced in developing a wider range of technologies such as battery storage, hydrogen, wind and tidal.

What has been your biggest achievement in relation to creating positive Impact at PACE so far? (Any notable renewable energy projects/achievements)

PACE is currently working on building three major solar projects across the east of England. Their combined capacity is over 70 MW and will be responsible for powering over 17,000 UK homes and reducing carbon emissions by 12,000 tonnes of CO2 annually. 

Tell us about key moments that affected your career so far and how this has led to being at PACE?

I joined PACE because of our managing director, Rob Denman. Having met Rob whilst working in India in 2018, we spoke of his goals in renewables and I was inspired by his commitment to defy expectations of what a traditional solar developer was and his passion for innovation and renewable energy.

I am personally passionate about sustainability. Despite personal efforts making an effective contribution towards a more sustainable world, I believe the best way for me to make a difference is through working at a renewables focused organisation and combining the efforts of individuals to achieve a shared vision.


What are the biggest challenges and opportunities within the industry right now?


  1. Due to technological advancements, solar is among the most cost-competitive energy resources. The opposite is the case for nuclear energy, the other non-fossil fuled option, so investments and deployment in the renewable space have grown increasingly accessible.

  2. Governments and their populations around the globe are realising the climate impact of using fossil fuels energy. As such, the general acceptance of renewables across ages and political viewpoints has improved dramatically and efforts made towards creating a world powered entirely by renewable sources of energy. We are seeing efforts at a local level with the UK100 network - focused on a 100% renewable base by 2050 - and from larger governmental figures exhibited at the most recent COP 26.


  1. Unfortunately, renewable energy sources such as wind and solar do not have a consistent supply and both rely on external factors. As such for the industry to ramp up to meet all energy demand, efforts in improving renewable technologies for on-demand energy as well as energy storage need to be made.

  2. Politically and economically, many countries are still heavily reliant and tied to fossil fuels. We must unpick these ties and educate on the long term environmental benefits of a renewable based generation mix. Achieving net zero emissions requires a concerted effort towards shifting public mindset so that policy and regulation can adapt alongside the public consciousness.

What advice/resources would you share with someone interested in solar energy? (links/podcast)

Solar Energy UK - The solar industry’s trade body -

Community Energy England - the national body for supporting community energy -

The Redefining Energy podcast -

How can people support solar energy and PACE?

  1. Join a local community energy group. There are hundreds of groups around the country that support new projects to generate renewable energy, whether it’s solar panels on a school or a wind-farm on the coast, or work together to make their homes more energy efficient.

  2. Buy electricity from a “genuine” green energy generator. There are lots of energy companies that say they are green but many of them actually buy power from non-renewable sources and then add green certificates. Find companies that buy directly from renewable energy projects. Examples are Good Energy, Ecotricity or Octopus.

  3. Don’t be a NIMBY! Many solar farms meet local opposition in the planning process, mostly from local groups that claim that they do not oppose renewable energy but just don’t want it in their local community. You can submit a letter of support to the planning authority.


Do you have any opportunities available at PACE at the moment?

We are looking to fill a number of positions. We are looking for a financial analyst in London who needs to have experience of building financial models for renewable energy projects and of managing project finance transactions. We are also looking for someone with serious construction management experience and someone who can help us better navigate the transmission and distribution power grids. All available opportunities can be found on our website.




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